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      Depakote Crazy Meds Forum

      Depakote (divalproex sodium ): A Synopsis for the – Crazymeds Updated May 04, 2015 Depakote: The side effects may suck, but it often works when other meds don 39;t. And still sucks less than a lot of alternatives. The Valproates The Good, the Bad amp; the Funny of these Crazy Meds Depakene (valproic acid), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Stavzor (valproic acid delayed release), and whatever the hell they call sodium valproate (or . . pediatric-specific data such as dosages, side effects, off-label applications, etc. are rarely included in the articles on drugs or discussed on the forum. Abilify (aripiprazole) Uses and Using The Good, the – Crazy Meds That 39;s 10 to 15 mg once daily for adults with Schizophrenia , 15 mg once daily for adults with Bipolar Disorder as monotherapy, and 10 15mg a day for bipolar when taken with Depakote or lithium. The maximum dosage is 30mg Pages and Forum Topics Google Thinks are Relevant to Your Mental Health nbsp; Depakote Reviews amp; Ratings at for 13 years along with citalapram. 250 mg depakote with 10 mg of citalapram. It helped with my intense excitability, my severe depression and suicidal thoughts which happened to me 2 weeks out of the month. It was so bad. After taking these meds I felt so much better like a nbsp; depakote? experiences? – Anticonvulsants / Mood Stabilizers Fire crazy monster; Crazymusician0704; Member; 132 posts Posted May 10, 2013. Depakote has REALLY helped me, I 39;m on 1500 mg, I gained 25 lbs on it but I 39;ve also been on other meds too, so I don 39;t know who the culprit was. . . I consider myself lucky. Also, I moved this to the mood stabilizer forum. Bipolar Support Forums View topic – saphris? about the trembling I get from Depakote. But I 39;m a lot less crazy about the side effects of a Bipolar manic! or depression. I was on depakote as one of my first meds (15/16) I gained about 50 lbs and wasn 39;t very stable from what I remember so I was against it this time and they did tell me the nbsp; Depakote for dementia? – . We did this and for now, at least, things are better. Not sure what the gerontologist when and if mom gets wild and crazy again and stays there, will just have to see. When she is extra hyper, I still nbsp; side effects of Valproic acid? (depakote?) – Epilepsy Forum I hate depakote. It made me blow up like a whale! Plus I cant be on it. During child bearing yrs they dont like to put you on it. I am 25. You are not in that boat but thats my take on that crazy drug sorry to say that but all these meds do something crazy to me. Keppra – I would fall asleep literally during a meal! Drinking and Meds. – Bipolar Disorder – Forum for bipolar and occasionally I do have a few drinks. Sometimes the alcohol does not have any effect but most times it really kicks in with the meds and kicks my butt, especially with the xanax. I used to take Depakote but it had a side effect on my kidney function. Talk to your dr. about it as well nbsp; Bipolar and ADHD Meds Together? Is It Possible?!!! – ADD Forums My question is, is it still possible for me to go back on a stimulant while taking these bipolar meds? Crazy Feet 39;s Avatar. Crazy Feet Crazy Feet is offline. Guest. Join Date: May 2006. Location: Sunagakure. Posts: 20, 958. Thanks: 0. Thanked 224 Times in 85 Posts ADDvanced Forum ADDvocate.

      Crazy Meds – Medical Company – Saint Regis, Montana Facebook

      , Saint Regis, Montana. 2766 likes 3 talking about this. www. crazymeds. us/pmwiki/p/Sources/About. Depakote Question – Forums at Psych Central Hello! I have been on this crazy ride of medication for a very long time. I 39;m on around 10 medications right now. These include: Depakote, Lithium, Nortriptyline, Risperdal, and a. Anyone know the average level prescription of Depakote? – medicine a day, what is the average prescription if anyone knows? has a bipolar forum you will find useful. Also . It 39;s at . you can also check out www. crazymeds. com for the inside scoop on psychotropic medications. Keppra What People Are Saying Epilepsy Talk Interestingly, both studies evaluated patients with epilepsy who were proven to be drug resistant to other medications. . . lamicatal im on now with depakote not working, will try vitamin D and E. I dont like the side effects of the two mixed drugs, lots Auras, just really weired crazy feeling I did not have until i nbsp; I 39;m physically addicted to Wellbutrin and Klonopin (clonozapam because I lost 70lb as a teen. more controlled quot;medical quot; strains can help me get relief on the racing thoughts, bipolar depression, and such without the side effects of crazy meds. Best Bipolar Medications Bipolar On Fire It 39;s a patient run forum that goes into great detail about drug cocktails, interactions and all of that fun stuff. . I 39;ve heard if someone doesn 39;t respond well to Lithium, they 39;ll probably respond much better to Depakote. . . CrazyMeds, the website, has good anecdotal information about various meds, FYI. I LOVE nbsp; Depakote – half-life amp; actions : Bipolar Disorder Forum – Psych forums have you had blood work done? Depakote, like lithium, requires correct plasma concentration level to truly work. For me the right amount was 3000 mg of Depakene (depakote extended release). According to Crazymeds the half life of Depakote is 9-16 hours, and time to clear out from your system 2-3 days. seizures/ meds Topamax – Discussion on Topix prior, Keppra and Lamictal. I had an allergic reaction to Lamictal and Keppra made me crazy. Depakote anyone On It – Epilepsy Forum – eHealthForum ? I 39;ve been on ever med and they all work for a little while and then they don 39;t work . . My doc wants to switch me from gabitril to depakote and I would like to hear from someone who 39;s on it or has taken it before and what you think about it . I know nbsp; 1st day of vyvanse ADHD meds – Mothering Forums My son also had a horrible comedown on vyvanse, we tried depakote for awhile and it helped the comedown but later on created mania. He 39;s back on just vyvanse now and I will say that 4-5 months later the comedown is less but it 39;s still there. He gets extremely hyper, emotional, angry, overly silly, etc.

      Abilify Side Effects Can Be Scary! – The People 39;s Pharmacy

      It results from drug-induced damage to the brain and can cause uncontrollable muscle movements such as lip smacking, tongue protrusion and grimacing. Some people develop rapid eye blinking or other involuntary movements. Most of the antipsychotic medications can cause this, and we are surprised nbsp; I Can Tolerate Barely Any Medicines Phoenix Rising ME / CFS My therapist, understandably wants me off of this Depakote, but it 39;s helping my anxiety and I don 39;t want to stop taking it even if I can 39;t breathe or sleep due to the lack of air how crazy does that When I can 39;t tolerate meds (which happens often), I usually try to find natural compounds which work similarly. Positive stories about Wellbutrin – Wellbutrin (bupropion) – The and I haven 39;t had any side effects at all. I 39;m Bipolar II so it 39;s I have to say that with Wellbutrin the balance between positive effects and side effects is by far the best out of all the meds I 39;ve tried. The only side effects I 39;ve nbsp; 5 Types of Medication to Treat Difficult Alzheimer 39;s Behaviors -making symptoms, as they do tend to drive family caregivers a bit nuts. Because these behaviors are difficult and stressful for caregivers and often for the person with dementia people often ask if any medications can help. The short answer is Maybe. The medium-length answer is Maybe, but there nbsp; recovering meth addict, mindfuck? Drugs-Forum I was diagnosed bipolar and adhd/ocd, and is prescribed depakote(1500mg) and seroquel(100mg) at bedtime and three 20mg methylphenidate during the day. my friend gave SWIM one of his adderalls. liked it, but wasnt too crazy over it. smoked a lot of pot at this point and probably tried ecstasy another nbsp; Migraine Prevention Medications – Welcome to the Migraine Prevention Medications Forum . to janmarbol: also, how crazy when i read what you wrote about overheating w/ wonder my body was freaking of my biggest triggers is heat. i am now feeling like the meds. left my I transitioned from Depakote to Topamax. Ambien Stories SparkPeople while taking the meds. After about a The situation is complicated by taking Wellbutrin and Depakote for bipolar disorder. I think these . I am a huge advocate fighting to have Ambien and all other related sleep meds taken off the market. Had I not nbsp; Topiramate. Forum discussing Topiramate at Patient Patient Am I going crazy? I was recently put on Topamax 25 mg for my migraines. I asked what the side effects would be. The doctor said most common are tingly hands. I 39;ve been on topamax for 3 months I asked dr to change my meds he did to propanalol for 4 days I 39;ve been having headaches my question is. Abilify, Depakote, Risperdal Question – Bipolar Disorder – MedHelp I recommend the crazymeds. us forums if you want to ask lots of people who have been on these drugs what their experiences were. I 39;m sure you can find someone who was/is on the same combo of meds there. As always, talk to your doctor about these things. You have a right to have them explain the risks nbsp;


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